Rosimaire De Araujo | mesboucles
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Rosimary of Araujo

Créatrice rosimaire de Araujo, mesboucle

Born in the new world, she lives in the old one, so is naturally at ease in globalization, the world

is its case.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

She wants through her creations to get out of clichés and the beaten track and show other facets of Brazil.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The picturesque paths, the countryside with lush vegetation, a sunny and generous return to the sources.

When we meet him, his taste for travel takes us away and we discover another Brazil, landscapes, cultures, materials and products as rare as they are surprising.

Today its objective is unique, "To exalt beauty and Glamor by associating with Nature!" "

One last thing MAPAPALO means "BUTTERFLY" ...

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